PORTFOLIOTake a look at our portfolio for a sneak peek into our own and commissioned work in photography, web, events and print. Book: An Ode to the Swedish Soil Photography: Glasriket Glöder Photography: Sara Västerlund Photography: Maria Bang Espersen Photography: The Glass Factory - At the Tip of the Wheel Photography: Grijp Konsult Photography: Alexander Aronsson Potatisfestivalen Photography: Anabeli Gonzalez & Karneval Grandios Photography: Anna-Lisa Fransson Photography: Torstamåla Gård - The Pickers Club Photography: Bo Bergstrand Photography: Yoshiko at Ateljéhus Pukeberg Photography: AirBnB Fiskesjö Photography: The Glass Factory - Captured Changes Photography: Gitte Lind Ceramics Photography: Holem at Emmabodakalaset Photography: The Glass Factory -Göran Wärff Book: Mundekulla's Green Kitchen Photography: Anna-Linda Gabriel for CRAFT DAYS Events & Workshops: Food Event Photography: Åfors Folkets Hus Event: Pecha Kucha Glasriket Event: Sweden Zipline Photography: Discover The Glass Factory in Boda Education: Teaching at Willem de Kooning Art Academy